
Startseite Seite >  Plugins >  JLearn 3.4

JLearn 3.4

Gestion de contenus

Plugin suggested by 1Day1Learn

What it is

The JLearn Plugin is the foundation of the Jalios Social Learning solution.

Whit this plugin you can create or share learning resources. A learning resource can wrap a document, a video (on your site or on Internet), a content, a guide, a quiz, a SCORM content (2004 or 1.2).

Au delà d'un usage en responsive design, une application mobile destinée aux apprenants est également proposée.

The JLearn module supports Jalios' Digital and Social Learning offer. It is functionally similar to Learning Management System (LMS/LXP) and enables employees to be trained via online content distribution but also via face-to-face courses or virtual classes.

In addition to facilitating the referencing, the availability and management of learning content, JLearn makes it possible to assess the knowledge acquired and to manage employee participation in order to measure training efforts.

Once deployed, JLearn can be used in one or more collaborative spaces in conjunction with other services already deployed.

JLearn is also available as a stand-alone webapp in SaaS or on site. In this form, it is also known as 1day1learn, named after the Jalios affiliate company that created it.

In addition to its use in responsive design, a mobile application for learners is also available


When to use this module?

  • If you need to train your employees using digital content or by mixing e-learning, face-to-face and virtual classes (Blended Learning).
  • If you need to capitalize on in-house knowledge by providing your business experts with a simple means of creating knowledge capsules.
  • If you want to make existing documents and procedures more attractive and engaging by "dressing them up" and contextualizing them
  • If you want to provide specific training content to your communities of collaborators directly in the collaborative spaces they use.
  • If you want to avoid having a separate application for training that your users will find difficult to find and attend when you can have it all in your Intranet.


What does this module offer?

  • This module allows you to create or share learning resources in the form of capsules/modules called Learnings. Learnings can encapsulate a document, a video (local or remote), existing JPlatform content, a tutorial or guide, a quiz, SCORM (2004 or 1.2) content, a web link, HTML5 content, etc.
  • JLearn can also be used to reference external courses such as MOOCs, but also face-to-face courses, webinars and virtual classes and to manage their participation.
  • Learnings can be assembled into Learning Paths (blended learning) that also include classroom, virtual classrooms, webinars, quizzes, and surveys.
  • Each Learning or Path has a set of metadata: level, duration, themes, type of content, keywords, approvals, etc.
  • Learners can discuss the Learnings and the Paths via the comments.
  • Face-to-face training, virtual classroom but also path or even a Learning can be organized in several sessions with different modes of registration and participation possible.
  • JLearn manages the follow-up of the learners' activities: Learnings started, completed, shared, progress in the Paths, quizzes, etc... Dashboards allow to see progress (individually, by team, by department, by group).
  • JLearn provides a catalogue to search for Learnings and Paths: textual search, by theme, by level, etc... It is possible to have a global catalogue as well as specific catalogues for each collaborative space.
  • Regular alerts can be sent to members to remind them of content they have not yet started and/or not yet completed.
  • JLearn allows the automatic generation of certificates of participation and certificates with validity date management.

JLearn also offers native content creation functionalities:

  • Tutorial guides (based on JGuide)
  • Multimedia files
  • Quizzes and Surveys (based on Liveform)

A mobile application for learners is also available.


What our customers like

  • A single solution that manages the different learning methods: e-learning, face-to-face courses, virtual classrooms, social learning, webinars, etc.
  • Simplicity for users and training managers alike
  • Light setting-up effort for standard use
  • Integration with JPlatform: members, groups, rights, recommendations, etc.
  • The possibility to make existing contents from JPlatform more accessible and intégrated in learning paths
  • Native tools for creating tutorials, quizzes and surveys
  • The ability to automate the management of courses and virtual classes which saves a lot of administrative efforts


  • Version : 3.4
  • Größe : 2,52 MB
  • Größere Änderung : 23.08.21
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 51
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP4
  • Domains : Collaboratif Gestion de contenu Social Learning
  • Author : 1Day1Learn
  • License : 1Day1Learn
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

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