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JClean 1.0

With the JClean application, you can offer your employees the ideal tool for reporting obsolete content in just two clicks. This will encourage them to update or delete such content. Raise your employees' awareness of the ecological impact of digital technology.

logo module JClean 960X540 px

When to use this module?

Would you like to quickly sort through all your content, especially the most voluminous? Rely on your employees to report "obsolete" content as and when it becomes available.

Would you like to reduce the number of obsolete documents and encourage your staff to use them more sparingly and responsibly? With JClean, you can encourage the authors of obsolete content to check it, then update or delete it.

Do you have a gamification application? Involve your employees in a challenge to "clean up" their personal spaces!

What does this module offer?

The JClean application is accessible from the application launcher or from the general search engine.

When they launch the application, employees access a dashboard with a VIEWS menu containing :

  • the "My contents to check" view, which shows a list of the connected employee's content that has been flagged. This view is displayed by default.
  • the "My reports" view, which lists the content reported by the logged-in employee. A collaborator cannot report his/her own publications.
  • the "All reports" view, a list of all content reported by all collaborators. Here, the logged-in employee will find his or her own content to check, as well as content he or she has reported.

JClean allows employees (who are not the authors of the publication) to report content they consider obsolete:

  • Report obsolete content" feature in the publication's action menu
  • Declaration of the publication as obsolete, including
    • publishing a comment with a pre-filled, editable message.
    • notification sent to the author of the obsolete content, as well as to all those who followed or commented on this content.
    • display of the reported publication in the dashboard in the
      • the "My contents to check" view for the author of the publication
      • the "My reports" view for the employee who issued the alert
      • the "All reports" view for all collaborators.

A publication that has been reported for obsolescence can no longer be reported.

Employees with editing and deletion rights to reported content can :

  • update the content,
  • delete the report or
  • delete the content

Updating content does not entail deleting the report. To delete a report, the employee :

  1. opens the action menu for the reported content,
  2. select “Delete report”, then
  3. enter the reason for deleting the report in the comment field.

A setting in the module can be used to define the date from which content can be reported for obsolescence. A recent publication will not be eligible for reporting in the actions menu.

If content created by a person who no longer belongs to the organization is reported, the administrator of the workspace to which the content belongs will receive the obsolescence notification and will find the content in the “My content to check” tab.

JClean can be integrated into a JGame challenge on digital responsibility to encourage employees to :

  • clean up their notifications
  • remove obsolete documents from their JDrive
  • remove unused services from their virtual office
  • delete obsolete documents
  • update reported documents

What our customers like

The simplicity of reporting to encourage action

It's really quick to report a publication as obsolete! From the action menu on the publication page, in just two clicks, the report is made. A pre-filled message is proposed to collaborators to save them time and allows those who wish to personalize it to do so.

The dashboard for managing obsolete content

Thanks to the dashboard, employees can find all content reported as obsolete. As the author of obsolete content, I don't have to waste time searching for content to verify it! The "All reports" list raises awareness and encourages employees to check their publications, update them or delete them.

Integrating JClean into a JGame challenge to encourage sorting

With gamification, employees enjoy sorting their publications and challenge each other to win the "Big Clean" challenge for their virtual office, JDrive, notifications, etc.

The module in action


  • Version : 1.0
  • Size : 458.59 KB
  • Major Modification : 8/30/24
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 14
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8
  • Domains : Gamification Gestion de contenu
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

Required Plugins

See also