
Home Page >  Plugins >  JSign 1.0

JSign 1.0

Gestion documentaire

Access electronic document signature from the Digital Workplace: improve and streamline your signature processes with JPlatform!

Add this feature to your Digital Workplace using a signature service provider of your choice, among:

  1. the DocuSign connector module logo - JSign - docusign 960X540
  2. the Universign connectormodule logo - JSign - universign 960X540
  3. the Yousign connector module logo - JSign - yousign 960X540


When to use this module?

The JSign module helps legal, business, CFOs, managers, etc., who need to electronically sign a document without having to go to an external electronic signature system to sign the document, download the document to their computer, and then re-upload it to the external system, know the emails and phone numbers of the signatories, and trigger the signing process directly from the document page by selecting signatories from the JPlatform member and contact directory.

It provides real-time tracking of the signature from the document page, unlike using an external signature service.


What does this module offer?

The module allows you to integrate electronic signature into the Jalios Digital Workplace.

It supports the most common electronic signature providers in the market, thanks to the connectors DocuSign, Universign, and Yousign.

Other connectors can be developed specifically.

Key features

  • Signing one or more PDF documents
  • Tracking the document signing process
  • Cancelling a signature
  • Resending notifications to signatories
  • Signature tracking application


Signature Tracking Application

Find all your signatures in one place.
Discover the Signatures application by launching it from the top bar's application launcher.

The Signatures application from the application launcher


It allows you to find all your signatures or all signatures on the platform (depending on rights).

The Signatures application


Signing one or more PDF documents

You can start a new signature from the application sidebar, [...]

Starting a signature from the application


[...] or from the document, in the right-hand action menu.

Starting a signature from the document's actions



When using the application, note that you will have the option to choose multiple documents in the 1st step of the process.
When using the document directly, only the signatory step will be offered.

Signature request - document selection


Choosing Signatories

Choose members or contacts from your site, or enter the email address of external individuals directly.

Note that only members/contacts with an email address can be selected.

A personalized invitation message can be entered.

Signature request - signatory selection


Once the request is submitted, signatories are notified of a pending signature. It then appears in the application.

Signature has



Tracking the document signing process

Find the tracking of a signature from the document's action menu or from the context menu on the signature from the application.

The tracking displays start and end dates, the list of signatories, and their signature status.

Signature tracking


When the signature is not complete, you can cancel the signature. Signatories who have already signed will be notified.

You can also manually resend notifications to signatories in waiting:

Actions on signatures from the application



Once everyone has signed the document, the signed document is retrieved in JPlatform and replaces the existing document.

All signatures completed


An ACL JSign allows limiting the right to use the service. If the ACL does not exist, any member will have access.


  • Version : 1.0
  • Size : 717.12 KB
  • Major Modification : 12/1/23
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 18
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8
  • Domains : Gestion documentaire Productivité Sécurité
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

Required Plugins

See also