Social Authentication 1.3
Social authentication is a form of SSO using existing connection information from a social network such as Facebook or Google+ to connect to a Web site, instead of creating a new account specifically for this site. The social authentication plugin allows you to connect to the following social networks :
- Google+
- Yahoo
This plugin works only from version 9 SP2
- Version : 1.3
- Größe : 729,6 KB
- Größere Änderung : 04.05.21
- Stability : Stable
- Download : 15
- Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8 JPlatform 10
- Domains : Catégories Groupes Membres Portlets Réseau Social
- Author : Jalios SA
- License : Jalios
- Support : Jalios Support
- Certified by Jalios : Yes
- Price : Paid Plugin