EJPT 2.0.3 beta is out !

Download this new version here

I've worked on the sync algorithm the last few weeks in my spare time and i'm happy to announce that from now, it's based on plugin.xml.

Here are some major improvements : 

  1. Sync (between a webapp project and a plugn project) will detect only from plugin.xml so you can control full sync now with plugin.xml
  2. A summary is available
  3. Shortcut key is reviewed : Ctrl+Alt+W for preview and Ctrl+Alt+S for sync.
  4. A more exciting feature is sync will tell you whether you'll forget or "bad-declare" in plugin.xml. Exemple :
  • (FileShouldDeclare) ?->? : C:\training\spring\TestPlugin\WEB-INF\classes\com\jalios\jcmsplugin\test\TestMemberJob.java : this file is in plugin project and it's not recognized by plugin.xml. So you'll need to delete it or declare it in plugin.xml. No more "omg, I forgot again !"

  • FileShouldDeclare) ?->? : C:\training\spring\TestPlugin\unittests\com\jalios\jcmsplugin\test\TestExpertiseControllerTest.java: in this case, you'll need to configure sync.conf to ignore unittests directory
  • (FileNotFoundOnDisk) ?->? : C:\training\spring\TestPlugin\plugins\TestPlugin\jsp\some.jsp: a file is declared in plugin.xml but it doesn't exist on disk. In this case, you'll need to delete the declaration in plugin.xml
  • (FileCouldMissed) ?->? : C:\training\spring\jcms\WebContent\plugins\TestPlugin\jsp\some.jsp : an experimental feature, when you create a file in your webapp project (in your plugin public directory), this file is considered "could be missed" by plugin.xml. So you'll need to copy it manually to your plugin project.

I've been using this new version for a week so if you want to test it out, follow these steps :

  1. Check that you'll have Eclipse Juno or Eclipse Kepler (for Helios and Luna, you could try and tell me)
  2. Get the new version
  3. Go to your Eclipse dropins directory, backup the old EJPT version (0.2.3) and delete it. Now extract the .zip. You'll have dropins/ejpt/ then ejpt/features, ejpt/plugins
  4. IMPORTANT : Run eclipse.exe -clean
  5. Go the Help > Check that a Jalios exists



Now let's sync :

  1. Configure your plugin project with the nature and the link to webapp project where you have JCMS
  2. Don't forget the sync.conf at the root of webapp JCMS project
  3. Back to your plugin project and sync 

Just to remind :


I'm looking for contributions ! You know Java ? You want to learn Git, Eclipse dev world and more ? You want to make JCMS dev funnier and faster ? Join us. The quickstart dev is available