Comprendre la logique de Gestion Documentaire Jalios (duration 10 min)


Bien penser son arborescence en accord avec la philosophe de l'outil est un facteur clé de succès

The Jalios document management tool offers 3 levels of rights:


The right of consultation is systematically restrictive. It secures the view to a specific audience.

The contribution/amendment

The notions of contribution and modification have been merged.

Thus, a person with this type of right on the file will be able to create content, and modify the content of others.

The right to delete is not included in this level of right, a user can only delete his own content.

Contribution/modification rights on a folder only affect the content, it does not give rights to sub-folders.


Folder handlers are "admins" on a given branch. They have all the rights to the tree structure and the content they manage.

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