Class Wiki2JHTMLRenderer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JcmsConstants, JaliosConstants

    public class Wiki2JHTMLRenderer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements JcmsConstants
    This class contains a set of utility static methods to process wiki text and convert it to JHTML.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Wiki2JHTMLRenderer

        public Wiki2JHTMLRenderer()
    • Method Detail

      • wiki2jhtml

        public static java.lang.String wiki2jhtml​(java.lang.String text,
                                                  java.util.Locale userLocale,
                                                  WikiRenderingHints hints)
        Transform a given string formatted according the wiki text formatting rules in an JHTML string.
        text - the wiki text to format. if null or empty, an empty string is immediately returned.
        userLocale - an optional (though highly recommended) Locale of the user for which the text will be generated. if null, the channel default locale will be used.
        hints - the rendering options to use, if null, the default options will be used.
        a JHTML formatted text.