Class TrashBulkProcess

    • Constructor Detail

      • TrashBulkProcess

        protected TrashBulkProcess()
        jcms-10.0.8 JCMS-9179
    • Method Detail

      • getLabelProp

        public java.lang.String getLabelProp()
        Description copied from class: BackgroundProcess
        Retrieve the I18N property key to use to provide the I18Ned label of this BackgroundProcess to the user.
        getLabelProp in class BackgroundProcess
        a property
      • setCurrentStep

        public void setCurrentStep​(int stepNbr)
        Description copied from class: BackgroundProcess
        Set the current step number of this processing.

        Implementation detail : If this step changes the progress percentage, it triggers an update in database of the BackgroundProcessInfo used to track the process progress

        setCurrentStep in class BackgroundProcess
        stepNbr - the step number to set
      • performBulkDelete

        protected void performBulkDelete()
      • setOpDelete

        protected void setOpDelete​(boolean v)
      • performBulkRestore

        protected void performBulkRestore()
      • setOpRestore

        protected void setOpRestore​(boolean opRestore)
      • setPubSet

        protected void setPubSet​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> pubIdSet)
      • getAvailablePubSet

        protected java.util.Set<Publication> getAvailablePubSet()