Provides internal search engines classes of JPlatform.
if you need to modify search behaviour.-
Interface Summary Interface Description CategorySearchEngine This interface must be implemented by category search engines (indexer and searcher) such as LuceneCategorySearchEngine.PublicationSearchEngine This interface must be implemented by publication search engines (indexer and searcher) such as LuceneSearchEngine. -
Class Summary Class Description AdminSearchEngineProcess AdminSearchEnginesHandler This handler is used in the admin area to provide action on search engine.CategorySearchEngineListener This class listen to all operations onCategory
and ask the Category Search Engine to index/update/delete.CustomSimilarity Custom scoring implementation.DataIterator<E> DataIterator allowing efficient iteration over hybrid sources of Data (JStore and/or JcmsDB) with size retrieval.GlobalSearchActionsHandler IndexSnapshotManager Provide management of lucene index snapshotIndexSnapshotManager.UpcomingSnapshotInfo Class holding information about pending snapshotLuceneCategorySearchEngine ThisCategorySearchEngine
is reponsible for the indexing and searching of JCMS content using lucene.LuceneCategorySearchEngineScoring Provides default implementation for scoring of publication result found throughLuceneCategorySearchEngine
.LuceneDataSearchEngine This class provides a base class to index JCMSData
using Lucene.LuceneDataSearchEngine.IndexingLatch CountDownLatch used to be notified of the end of the next indexing operation taking place on a Data.LuceneDataSearchEngine.ReindexOptions Class holding reindexing options.LuceneMemberSearchEngine Provides member indexing and search.LucenePublicationSearchEngine ThisPublicationSearchEngine
is reponsible for the indexing and searching of JCMS content using lucene.LuceneSearchEnginePolicyManager LuceneUtils Provide misc utility when working with lucenePublicationSearchEngineListener This class listen to all operations onPublication
and ask the Publication Search Engine to index/update/delete.QueryAppHandler SpellSuggestEngine This engine can be used when doing text search.SpellSuggestQueryParser This QueryParser parse a search string and build a new lucene query using suggested words. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AdminSearchEnginesHandler.Action