Class MemberImportProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JcmsConstants, MemberImportConstants, JaliosConstants

    public class MemberImportProcess
    extends BackgroundProcess
    implements MemberImportConstants

    A manager to be instanciated to import Members from a CSV input file.

    CSV File's expected format:

     Name, First name, Email, Login, Organization, Department, JobTitle, Phone, Mobile, custom
     optional columns ...
     # First line must contain headers
     # Use '#' caracter to comment a line
     FOO, John,, , Acme, Sales, Manager, 0102030405, 0605040302

    The limit controller is checked only if account activation mails is chosen.

    jcms-10.0.8 / JCMS-10510
    • Method Detail

      • incrementStep

        public void incrementStep()
        Description copied from class: BackgroundProcess
        Increment the step number of this processing by one.

        Implementation detail : If this step changes the progress percentage, it triggers an update in database of the BackgroundProcessInfo used to track the process progress

        incrementStep in class BackgroundProcess
      • getLabelProp

        public java.lang.String getLabelProp()
        Description copied from class: BackgroundProcess
        Retrieve the I18N property key to use to provide the I18Ned label of this BackgroundProcess to the user.
        getLabelProp in class BackgroundProcess
        a property
      • performImport

        protected void performImport​(MemberImport mbrImport)
        Perform save of the Member object if possible.
        Checks limit controller if needed (when accounts are activated).
        Updates counters.
        mbrImport - the mock Member to be imported.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle style)