JCMS 6.1.4 Tag Library


The JCMS Tag Library provides a comprehensive set of tag to easily access and present data stored in a JCMS webapp.

Tags Summary
  1. jalios:archive
  2. jalios:ascii
  3. jalios:buffer
  4. jalios:cache
  5. jalios:caddy
  6. jalios:categories
  7. jalios:chart
  8. jalios:checkIntegrity
  9. jalios:chrono
  10. jalios:datachooser
  11. jalios:date
  12. jalios:datechooser
  13. jalios:default
  14. jalios:delete
  15. jalios:duration
  16. jalios:durationchooser
  17. jalios:edit
  18. jalios:fileicon
  19. jalios:filesize
  20. jalios:foreach
  21. jalios:highlight
  22. jalios:if
  23. jalios:ifobjcmp
  24. jalios:ifstrcmp
  25. jalios:image
  26. jalios:importIcon
  27. jalios:include
  28. jalios:javascript
  29. jalios:lang
  30. jalios:link
  31. jalios:lock
  32. jalios:login
  33. jalios:media
  34. jalios:nbsp
  35. jalios:pager
  36. jalios:pdf
  37. jalios:pubicon
  38. jalios:query
  39. jalios:rating
  40. jalios:rss
  41. jalios:select
  42. jalios:sendmail
  43. jalios:sqlquery
  44. jalios:thumbnail
  45. jalios:time
  46. jalios:tooltip
  47. jalios:topmember
  48. jalios:tree
  49. jalios:treecat
  50. jalios:treeportlet
  51. jalios:truncate
  52. jalios:url
  53. jalios:webdav
  54. jalios:webhelp
  55. jalios:widget
  56. jalios:wiki
  57. jalios:workspace
  58. jalios:wysiwyg

<jalios:cache> ... </jalios:cache>

Description: Manages a cache for the content of the body.


NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
idjava.lang.String x x The cache id (must be unique)
classes[Ljava.lang.Class; - x The array of class to listen to. Each time an instance of these classes is created, updated or deleted, the cache is refreshed. For publications, it only concerns instances in a visible state.
classesStr[Ljava.lang.String; - x The array of String (class name) to listen to. Each time an instance of these classes is created, updated or deleted, the cache is refreshed. For publications, it only concerns instances in a visible state.
timeoutlong - x The timeout of the cache (in minutes). The next time the cache will be accessed, if the timeout has been reached, the cache will be refresh.
sessionboolean - x If true a cached content is managed for each user session. Set this attribute to true, if the cached fragment contains personalized informations (e.g. restricted publications). Default value: false.
refreshboolean - x If true the cached content is refreshed. Default value: false.
trimboolean - x If true the cached content trimed (remove blanck line and begining white space). Default value: true.
disabledboolean - x If true the tag is disabled. Default value: false.

Example of use:

<jalios:cache id="mycache" classes="<%= new Class[] {Publication.class, Category.class} %>" >



Description: Prints the caddy icon.


NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
pubcom.jalios.jcms.Publication - x The publication to be added in the caddy.
datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The data to be added in the caddy.
collectionjava.util.Collection - x A collection of data to be added in the caddy. Because of the very long URL it could generate for large collection, prefer use of a Query String when possible.
queryStringjava.lang.String - x A query String: all matching publications will be added to the caddy.
groupQueryStringjava.lang.String - x A group query String: all matching Groups will be added to the caddy.
memberQueryStringjava.lang.String - x A member query String: all matching Members will be added to the caddy.
dbMemberQueryStringjava.lang.String - x A db member query String: all matching DBMembers will be added to the caddy.
workspaceQueryStringjava.lang.String - x A workspace query String: all matching Workspace will be added to the caddy.
checkPstatusboolean - x Indicates whether the pstatus has to be checked. Default is true.
actionjava.lang.String - x Indicates action that must be done with given data. Either:
  • "add": to add data to the caddy.
  • "remove": to remove data from the caddy.
  • "replace": to replace data in the caddy with specified data.
  • "addCategorysChildren": to add category's children.
  • "clear": to clear all data from the caddy.
  • Default value is "add".
    icon String - x Specify the icon of the caddy.
    iconOut String - x Specify the icon of the caddy when data is already in caddy.
    cssjava.lang.String - x Specify the css class(es) to use for the generated link.
    displayLinkTextboolean - x Indicates whether the text normally used for alternative and title text of the icon should also be displayed in the generated link. Default is false.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:caddy data="<%= itPub %>">.

    <jalios:tree> ... </jalios:tree>

    Description: Visits all the sub-nodes of a given TreeNode


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    rootcom.jalios.util.TreeNode x x Root of the TreeNode
    visiterootboolean - x True if the root category must be visited. Default value: false.
    visitejava.lang.String - x Not already implemented
    counter String - x The name of the counter variable. Default value: itCounter
    name String x x The name of the iteration variable
    type String x x The type of the iteration variable


    @counterint x NESTED Iteration counter (from 1)
    itNodecom.jalios.util.TreeNode x NESTED The iterated TreeNode with given name and given type represented by parameter name and type
    itLevelint x NESTED Level of the iterated node
    itLevelVariationint x NESTED Level variation of the iterated node in comparison with the previous node
    itLevelNextVariationint x NESTED Level variation of the next node in comparison with the current node (at last iteration, next level is considered to be zero).
    itPositionint x NESTED Position of the iterated node in comparison with its siblings
    itHasNextboolean x NESTED True if there is at least one node to visit
    itNextNodecom.jalios.util.TreeNode x NESTED The next node to visite (null if iterating on the last one)
    itLastChildboolean x NESTED True if this node is the last of this level

    Example of use:
    <jalios:tree root="<%= previewTree %>" visiteroot="true">
      <%= itNode %>

    <jalios:categories> ... </jalios:categories>

    Description: Visits all the sub-categories from a given category.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    root String - x Id of the root. Default value: root of categories.
    canReadboolean - x If we should check category read rights (by default it is true)
    visiterootboolean - x True if the root category must be visited. Default value: false.
    visitejava.lang.String - x Visit order. Possible values :
    • order (default value)
    • children-first
    • children-last
    counter String - x The name of the counter variable. Default value: itCounter


    @counterint x NESTED Iteration counter (from 1)
    itCategorycom.jalios.jcms.Category x NESTED The iterated category
    itLevelint x NESTED Level of the iterated category
    itLevelVariationint x NESTED Level variation of the iterated category in comparison with the previous category
    itLevelNextVariationint x NESTED Level variation of the next category in comparison with the current category (at last iteration, next level is considered to be zero).
    itPositionint x NESTED Position of the iterated category in comparison with its siblings
    itHasNextboolean x NESTED True if there is at least one category to be visited
    itNextCategorycom.jalios.jcms.Category x NESTED The next category to be visited (null if iterating on the last one)
    itLastChildboolean x NESTED True if this category is the last of this level

    Example of use:
    A first example:
    <jalios:categories root="root" visiteroot="false" visite="children-first">
    <table border="0" width="500">
        <td width="<%= (itLevel.intValue() + 1) * 20 %>">&nbsp;</td>
        <td width="<%= 500 - ((itLevel.intValue() + 1) * 20) %>">
          <%= itCategory.getName() %> (<%= itCategory.getPublicationSet().size() %>)
    A second example:
    <jalios:categories root="root" visiteroot="false" >
    <li><%= itCategory.getName() %>
    <% if (itCategory.isNode()) { %>
    <% } else {
         for(int i=0; i < -itLevelNextVariation.intValue(); i++) { %>
    <%   } %>
    <% } %>

    <jalios:tooltip> ... </jalios:tooltip>

    Description: Prints the tooltip icon.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    propertyjava.lang.String - x The property to retrieve and display using AJAX request. Exclusive with "Longdesc" and "InlineBody".
    params[Ljava.lang.String; - x The parameter of the given property
    longdescjava.lang.String - x The uri to call using AJAX and to display in the tooltip. Exclusive with "Property" and "InlineBody".
    inlineBodyjava.lang.String - x The content to display in a tooltip. Exclusive with "Property" and "Longdesc".
    iconjava.lang.String - x The uri an icon to override the default one.
    spritejava.lang.String - x The ss_sprite name to override icon.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:tooltip longdesc='<%= "example/example.jsp" %>' />
    <jalios:tooltip property='<%= "msg.example.test" %>' params='<%= new String[]{"test1","test2"} %>' />
    <jalios:tooltip icon='images/jalios/icons/jalios.gif'>Hello World !</jalios:tooltip>

    <jalios:edit> ... </jalios:edit>

    Description: Prints the edit icon.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    id String - x The id of the object to be edited (exclusive with 'type' attribute)
    datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The data to be edited(exclusive with 'type' attribute)
    pub String - x The publication to be edited (exclusive with 'type' attribute)
    type String - x The type of the object to be created (exclusive with 'id' attribute), may have multiple type separated by ,
    querystring String - x Extract category ids (cids) and types from this queryString
    layerId String - x The id to be used for the layer displayed by tag
    cids String - x A comma-separated list of category id to be selected when adding a new publication
    typeSetjava.util.Set - x A set of types
    target String - x The window or frame target
    redirect String - x The page to be redirected on after the edition has been performed (Default value is managed by the EditFormHandler)
    redirectOnClosePopupboolean - x Set whether the redirect value should be applied to the opener when closing the popup edition (if using popup edition). Default value is false, which leads to a simple refresh of the opener.
    params String - x A set of additional parameters to be added (must respect the URL syntax for parameters, e.g. p1=v1&p2=v2%20with%20space, ...)
    popupboolean - x If true, open the editor in a popup window (default value: false)
    contentOnlyboolean - x If true, opened editor in a popup window will only display content tab (default value: false)
    fields String - x A comma-separated list of fields to edit (default value: all the field).
    icon String - x The custom icon to be displayed.
    iconTitle String - x The custom icon title to be displayed.
    ctxEditboolean - x Display the contextual publication menu. Default value is true.
    openTabint - x The identifier of the tab to be opened (see com.jalios.jcms.JcmsConstants). Default is CONTENT_TAB.
    parentDatacom.jalios.util.TreeNode - x The parent of the data to create (type must be compatible TreeNode).

    Example of use:
    <jalios:edit type="SmallNews" redirect="index.jsp" />
    <jalios:edit id="<%= itPublication.getId() %>" />
    <jalios:edit pub="<%= itPublication %>" />


    Description: Prints the delete icon.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    id String - x The id of the data to be delete
    data String - x The data to be deleted
    redirect String - x The page to be redirected on after the deletion has been performed (Default value is managed by the EditFormHandler)
    icon String - x A custom icon

    Example of use:
    <jalios:delete id="<%= itPublication.getId() %>" />
    <jalios:delete data="<%= itPublication %>" />


    Description: Prints the archive icon.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    id String - x The id of the publication to be archived
    pub String - x The publication to be archived
    redirect String - x The page to be redirected on after the archive has been performed (Default value is managed by the EditFormHandler)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:archive id="<%= itPublication.getId() %>" />
    <jalios:archive pub="<%= itPublication %>" />


    Description: Prints the flag languages.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    lang String - x The language to be displayed (default value is the user language).
    title String - x The title (tooltips) of the image.
    display String - x The display mode. Possible value "menu", "list" or "flag" (default value). Mode "menu" and "list" are exclusive with "lang" attribute.
    useLocalizedLanguageList String - x Whether to display only available localization languages of JCMS instead of the all the languages defined for the site.


    Description: Prints the webhelp icon.


    Description: Prints the workspace icon.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    allWorkspaceboolean - x Allow all workspace mode
    allWorkspaceUrljava.lang.String - x The All Workspace URL
    updateUrlboolean - x The tag should use the current url with updated param


    Description: Prints the PDF link of the given file (if it exists).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    doccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument - x The document to print the PDF icon (exclusive with filename attribute).
    file String - x The filename (exclusive with doc attribute).
    target String - x The window or the frame where the PDF must be to be opened.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:pdf doc="<%= myFileDocument %>" />


    Description: Prints a data chooser (publication or member) HTML form input.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    superClassjava.lang.Class x x The super class to choose an instance (default value: Publication)
    multivalueboolean - x If true, can select multiple values.
    multivalueIdSeparatorjava.lang.String - x The separator to be used when filling the id field. (Default value is ",")
    listvalueboolean - x If true, the result is proposed as a list
    data String - x The data to fill the input with
    dataListjava.util.Collection - x The list of data to fill the input with
    customUrlParams String - x Additional parameters given to the chooser
    formName String - x The name of the enclosing HTML form
    widgetName String - x The name of the HTML input
    sizeint - x The size of input which contains the title of the data
    addCountint - x The initial form input count
    incCountint - x The increment form input count
    formElementCountint - x The position of the inputs in the form (only required when severals DurationChooserTag have the same widgetName)
    css String - x The CSS to use (wrap a div block with the given CSS class around the generated HTML code)

    Example of use:
    Choose a content: <jalios:datachooser superClass='<%= Content.class %>'  data='<%= contentAlreaySelected  %>' formName='editForm' widgetName='pub' />


    Description: Prints a duration chooser (value / unit) form input. It produces 3 form inputs : the visible value, the unit chooser and the hidden input. The real value is set in the hidden input. Default resolution is second but it can be set up with resolution attribute (e.g. enter 1 for a millisecond resolution, 1000 for second, 60000L for minute, ...).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    formName String - x The name of the enclosing form
    widgetName String - x The name of the form input
    formElementCountint - x The position of the input in the form (only required when severals DurationChooserTag have the same widgetName)
    css String - x The CSS to use (add a span with the given CSS class around the generated HTML code)
    durationlong - x The initial duration
    resolutionlong - x Output time resolution in millisecond (Default value is 1000)

    Example of use:
    <li><jalios:durationchooser duration='<%= 2 * JcmsConstants.MILLIS_IN_ONE_HOUR  %>'  formName='editForm' widgetName='duration'/>
    <li><jalios:durationchooser duration='<%= 2 %>'  formName='editForm' widgetName='duration' resolution='<%= JcmsConstants.MILLIS_IN_ONE_HOUR %>'/>


    Description: Prints the icon of a given publication. The association map is declared in the properties with the following syntax:

    tag.pubicon.ShortClassName: output
    ShortClassName: the short class name of the publication type (eg. WebPage, Article, ...)).
    output: the string to be printed (eg. <img src="images/custom/webpage_icon.gif" alt="WebPage">)


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    pubcom.jalios.jcms.Publication x x The publication to print the icon
    format String - x The icon format (eg. 'small')

    Example of use:
    <jalios:pubicon pub="<%= itPublication %>"/>


    Description: Performs a query on a data set and sorts results with a comparator.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    name String x x The name of the variable containing the result set
    datasetjava.util.Set - x The data set to be queried. Default value: all publications.
    selectorcom.jalios.jcms.DataSelector - x A DataSelector. Default value: null (i.e. all data are selected)
    comparatorjava.util.Comparator - x A Comparator. Default value: null (i.e. sort in the reverse order of the creation date (cdate))
    queryString String - x A queryString (e.g. type=generated.Article&cids=c_1234). This attribute is exclusive with all other criteria attributes.
    text String - x A text to be matched (according the mode value).
    mode String - x The full-text search mode. Possible values are : all, any, exact, word. Default value is all.
    catModejava.lang.String - x Define the mode to use when dealing with categories. "or" for union of categories, "and" for intersection of categories (default mode if empty or invalid).
    catNameboolean - x If true, the full-text search is extended to the category names (i.e. select all the publications using categories which names match the given text). Default value is false.
    exactCatboolean - x If catMode is set to "exact", do not extend the category search to the sub-categories. Default value is false.
    searchInPubboolean - x If true, search in searchable text of publication. Default value is true.
    searchInFilesboolean - x If true, the full-text search is extended to attached files (i.e. select all the publications refering files that match the given text). Default value is false.
    searchInDBboolean - x If true, search in publications saved in the database.
    cids String - x A comma-separated list of categories id to use as selector.
    cidsoff String - x A comma-separated list of categories id to exclude as selector.
    mids String - x A comma-separated list of members id to use as selector.
    midsoff String - x A comma-separated list of members id to exclude as selector.
    gids String - x A comma-separated list of groups id to use as selector.
    gidsoff String - x A comma-separated list of groups id to exclude as selector.
    types String - x A comma-separated list of publication types (e.g. custom.WebPage).
    typesoff String - x A comma-separated list of publication types to avoid (e.g. custom.WebPage).
    exacttypeboolean - x If true, type search is not extended to the sub-types. Default value is false.
    ratings String - x A comma-separated list of ratings (integer values).
    pstatus String - x A comma-separated list of pstatus (integer values).
    checkpstatus String - x if true, select only the publications in a visible state.
    replaceFileDocboolean - x Indicates whether the FileDocuments must be replaced by their referrers if they exist. Default is false.
    datesinceint - x Search publications published since a given time. This attribute replaces the previous attribute 'daterange'. Exclusive with beginDate and endDate.
    begindatejava.util.Date - x Value of the begin date. Exclusive with beginday, beginmonth, beginyear.
    enddatejava.util.Date - x Value of the end date. Exclusive with endday, endmonth, endyear.
    begindayint - x Value for the day of the begin date. Exclusive with begindate.
    beginmonthint - x Value for the month of the begin date. Exclusive with begindate.
    beginyearint - x Value for the year of the begin date. Exclusive with begindate.
    enddayint - x Value for the day of the end date. Exclusive with enddate.
    endmonthint - x Value for the month of the end date. Exclusive with enddate.
    endyearint - x Value for the year of the end date. Exclusive with enddate.
    datetype String - x Possible values are : cdate, mdate, pdate or edate. Default value is cdate.


    @namejava.util.SortedSet x AT_ENDThe result set

    Example of use:
    Display the 10 first members sorted alphabetically 
    <jalios:query name="resultSet" dataset="<%= channel.getDataSet(Member.class) %>" comparator="<%= Member.getNameComparator() %>"/>
    <jalios:foreach collection="<%= resultSet %>"
                    type="com.jalios.jcms.Member" >
    <%= itMember.getName() %><br/>


    Description: Prints the rating of a given publication.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    pubcom.jalios.jcms.Publication - x The publication to print the rating (this attribute is exclusive with rating attribute)
    format String - x An optionnal format to use a set of rating properites (tag.rating.myformat.0, ...)
    ratingint - x The rating value (this attribute is exclusive with pub attribute)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:rating pub="<%= itPublication %>"/>


    Description: Generates an html image tag (this tag is used as super tag for some icon tags)


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    alignjava.lang.String - x Image Alignement left, right, center
    altjava.lang.String - x Description of the image on mouse over
    namejava.lang.String - x name parameter of the image
    idjava.lang.String - x id parameter of the image
    clazzjava.lang.String - x class parameter of the image
    borderint - x Image Border
    heightjava.lang.String - x Image height (could be in % or in px)
    widthjava.lang.String - x Image Width (could be in % or in px)
    hspaceint - x Horizontale Margin of the image
    vspaceint - x Verticale Margin of the image
    srcjava.lang.String x x Source of the Image
    usemapjava.lang.String - x Use a client side map for the image
    linkjava.lang.String - x Create a A HREF Tag for the image using the link
    targetjava.lang.String - x The target parameter for the A HREF tag (_blank,_self,_parent,_top)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:image src="http://www.google.fr/images/hp0.gif" align="center" alt="Goo..." border="3" height="50" width="30" hspace="5" vspace="5" link="http://www.google.com" target="_blank"/>

    <jalios:topmember> ... </jalios:topmember>

    Description: Lists members who have published the most


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    maxint x x number of member to be displayed. Default value: 10.
    ufreqlong - x update frequency (in minute). Default value: 60 minutes.
    counter String - x The name of the counter variable. Default value: itCounter


    @counterint x NESTED Iteration counter (from 1)
    itMembercom.jalios.jcms.Member x NESTED The iterated member
    itMemberCountint x NESTED The count of publication for this member
    itMemberTrendsint x NESTED Trends of the iterated member.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:topMember max="5" ufreq="30"> 
        <td><b><%= itCounter %></b></td>
        <td><%= itMember.getName() %></td>
        <td><%= itMemberCount %></td>
          <% if (itMemberTrends > 0) { %>
          <img src="images/jalios/icons/arrowup.gif" />
          <% } else if (itMemberTrends < 0) { %>
          <img src="images/jalios/icons/arrowdown.gif" />
          <% } else { %>
          <% } %>

    <jalios:wiki> ... </jalios:wiki>

    Description: Formats the body with the wiki text formatting rules.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    css String - x The name of the CSS class to be used. (Default value is 'wiki' css class).
    spanboolean - x If false, wraps a span tag around the html otherwise wraps a div tag. Default is false.
    baseUrljava.lang.String - x An optionnal baseUrl used to generate URLs of the wiki content.
    attributeMapjava.util.Map - x An optionnal map of rendering attributes.

    Example of use:

    <jalios:wysiwyg> ... </jalios:wysiwyg>

    Description: Refactor generated wysiwyg by calling WysiwygPolicyFilters.

    Example of use:

    <jalios:chart> ... </jalios:chart>

    Description: Prints an horizontal bar chart.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    printCSSboolean - x Should print CSS value for chart
    printChartboolean - x Should print the Chart
    mixedChartboolean - x When multiple chart, indicate if chart should be mixed
    isPercentboolean - x Indicate if values are percent or absolute values
    colorint - x The count of colors the CSS should generate
    colorFirstint - x The first color to use in color table
    colorRotateint - x Rotate color of a single chart among multiple colors
    colors[Ljava.lang.String; - x The color list
    localejava.util.Locale - x I18N Units
    widthint - x The width in pixel of the chart (default value is 100%)
    fixHLengthWidthint - x Fix the Horizontal width of the Legend to use a common presentation between charts
    heightint - x The height in pixel of the vchart (default value is 200px)
    maxint - x The number of elements to display
    maxValueint - x The maximum value to use in the chart (as scale)
    titlejava.lang.String - x The Title of the Chart
    unitjava.lang.String - x The Unit to display on the opposite side of displayed values
    sortjava.lang.String - x Indicate how to Sort the Chart: none, greater, lower
    displayjava.lang.String - x The representation display of the chart. Choose between "vchart" (Vertical Chart) and "hchart" (Horizontal Chart)
    dataMapcom.jalios.util.ObjectIntTreeMap - x An ObjectIntTreeMap representing Chart with key the legend (String) and values int[0] or a sub map with key/int[]
    beautifiercom.jalios.jtaglib.ChartTagBeautifier - x Use the specified ChartTagBeautifier to convert all displayed String and other field, (usefull for I18N Label, Icons, Styles, Classes ...)
    legendComparatorjava.util.Comparator - x A way to sort legend elemnts. sort param must be null

    Example of use:
     ObjectIntTreeMap chart1 = new ObjectIntTreeMap();
     chart1.put("Legend A1" , 40);
     chart1.put("Legend B1" , 50);
     chart1.put("Legend C1" , 60);
     chart1.put("Legend D1" , 60);
     chart1.put("Legend E1" , 50);
     chart1.put("Legend F1" , 40);
    <jalios:chart printCSS='<%= true %>' colors='<%= new String[]{"#FF0000","#DD0000","#BB0000","#990000"} %>' />
    <jalios:chart max='<%= 5 %>'  dataMap='<%= chart1 %>' title='<%= "Single Chart" %>' display='hchart' sort='<%= "lower" %>'/>
    To flip vertical chart data add this style:
    <style> .chart .vchart DIV { writing-mode: tb-rl; filter: flipv fliph;} </style>

    <jalios:ascii> ... </jalios:ascii>

    Description: Formats the body in an ASCII block.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    colsint x x The max length of a line
    rowsint - x Number of rows to produce (ignore all the next rows)
    suffix String - x The string to be appended if the body has been truncated

    Example of use:

    <jalios:buffer> ... </jalios:buffer>

    Description: Outputs the evaluation of the body in a given String variable


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    name String x x The name of the output String variable
    trimboolean - x If true, the body is trimmed (default value: true)


    @namejava.lang.String x AT_ENDContains the formatted body

    Example of use:
    This example shows how the <jalios:buffer> tag may be used to send a
    personalized email to all the members of the site.
    <jalios:foreach collection="<%= channel.getDataSet(Member.class) %>" 
                    type="Member" >
    <jalios:buffer name="mailContent">
    Hello <%= itMember.getName() %>,
    Here are the 10 latest publications:
    <jalios:query name="resultSet" dataset="<%= channel.getDataSet(Content.class) %>" comparator="<%= Publication.getPdateComparator() %>"/>
    <jalios:foreach collection="<%= resultSet %>"
                    name="itPublication" max="10"
                    type="com.jalios.jcms.Content" >
    <%= itCounter %>. <%= itPublication.getTitle() %><br>
    by <%= itPublication.getAuthor() %>
    <%= itPublication.getAbstract() %>
    <jalios:sendmail to="<%= itMember.getEmail() %>" 
                     from="<%= channel.getSenderFullEmail() %>"
                     subject="Your Personnal Newsletter" 
                     content="<%= mailContent %>" />


    Description: Manages chronos organized by name. The following actions are supported:

    A Chrono object is also aivailable until end of page with the name given in parameter.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    name String x x The name of the chrono object
    action String x x The action to ask to the chrono (start, stop, step, resume, pause, print, printhtml)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:chrono name="chrono" action="start"/>
    <jalios:chrono name="chrono" action="step"/>
    <jalios:chrono name="chrono" action="step"/>
    <jalios:chrono name="chrono" action="stop"/>
    Step1: <jalios:duration time="<%= chrono.getDelta(0, 1) %>"/>
    Step2: <jalios:duration time="<%= chrono.getDelta(1, 2) %>"/>
    Total: <jalios:duration time="<%= chrono.getTime() %>"/>


    Description: Prints a date. Formats the date with either the value of the "locale" attribute, the value of the context attribute "jtaglib.locale" or the default locale of the JVM (in this order).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datejava.util.Date - x The date to be printed.
    format String - x The format used to print the date. The following formats are available:
    • 'short' (e.g.: 12.13.52)
    • 'medium' (e.g.: Jan 12, 1952)
    • 'long' (e.g. January 12, 1952). Default format.
    • 'full' (e.g.: Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD).
    • A custom format (see Javadoc of java.text.SimpleDateFormat class).
    localejava.util.Locale - x The locale to use (default value: the default locale)
    nowifnullboolean - x If true, the current date is printed if the date attribute is null; if false nothing will be printed (default value: true)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:date date="<%= myDate %>" format="short"/>
    Using a custom format (1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT)
    <jalios:date date="<%= myDate %>" format="yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z"/>

    <jalios:default> ... </jalios:default>

    Description: A default tag for the select tag.

    Example of use:
        <jalios:if predicate="<%= 4>5 %>" > NO </jalios:if>
        <jalios:default> In Select DEFAULT </jalios:default>


    Description: Prints a duration (e.g. 2 days 8 hours 35 min. 47 s.) Formats the duration with either the value of the "locale" attribute, the value of the context attribute "jtaglib.locale" or the default locale of the JVM (in this order).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    beginjava.util.Date - x The begining date (this attribute is exclusive with time attribute).
    endjava.util.Date - x The ending date (this attribute is exclusive with time attribute).
    timelong - x The elapsed time in milliseconds (this attribute is exclusive with begin and end attributes).
    localejava.util.Locale - x The locale to use (default value: the default locale)
    roundboolean - x Round a duration in order to remove irrelevant information for duration which do not need to be accurate when presented to the user (eg "1 day 12 h 23 min 13 s" will be printed as "1 day 12 h"). See JavaDoc of Util.roundDuration(long) for more information on this

    Example of use:
    <jalios:duration begin="<%= beginDate %>" end="<%= endDate %>" />


    Description: Prints the icon of the given FileDocument.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    doccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument x x The document to print the icon.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:fileicon doc="<%= myDoc%>"/>


    Description: Prints the formatted size of a file or a FileDocument (e.g. 3.45 MB).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    sizelong - x The size to be formatted (exclusive with doc attribute).
    doccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument - x The document to format the size (exclusive with doc attribute).
    localejava.util.Locale - x The locale to use (default value: the default locale)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:filesize size="123455" />

    <jalios:foreach> ... </jalios:foreach>

    Description: Iterates over a collection of objects.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    name String x x The name of the iteration variable
    type String x x The type of the iteration variable
    collectionjava.util.Collection - x The collection to iterate over (exclusive with array, iterator and enumeration).
    array[Ljava.lang.Object; - x The array to iterate over (exclusive with collection, iterator and enumeration).
    iteratorjava.util.Iterator - x The iterator to iterate over (exclusive with collection, array and enumeration).
    enumerationjava.util.Enumeration - x The enumeration to use as iterator (exclusive with collection, array and iterator).
    counter String - x The name of the counter variable. Default value: itCounter
    maxint - x Maximum of iterations. Default value: no limits
    skipint - x Number of first item to skip. Default value: 0


    @counterint x NESTED Iteration counter (from 1)
    @name @type x NESTED Iterated object

    Example of use:
    Iterate on all members and for each member display his/her number of
    publication and his/her group.
    <jalios:foreach collection="<%= channel.getDataSet(Member.class) %>"
                    type="Member" >
        <td><%= itCounter %></td>
        <td><%= itMember.getName() %></td>
        <td><%= itMember.getPublicationSet().size() %></td>
        <td><%= itMember.getGroup().getName() %></td>

    <jalios:highlight> ... </jalios:highlight>

    Description: Highlights piece of text in the body


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    text String - x The text to be highlighted (if missing, check 'hlText' request attribute)
    mode String - x The search mode: any or exact. Default value is 'any' (if missing, check 'hlMode' request attribute)
    prefix String - x The prefix to preprend for highlight
    suffix String - x The suffix to append for highlight

    Example of use:
    <jalios:highlight text="lorem">Lorem ipsum...</jalios:highlight>

    <jalios:if> ... </jalios:if>

    Description: Execute the body only if the predicate is true.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    predicateboolean x x The condition to be tested.
    breakselectboolean - x See ConditionalTag
    notboolean - x See ConditionalTag

    Example of use:
    <jalios:if predicate="<%= 4>5 %>" > NO </jalios:if>

    <jalios:ifobjcmp> ... </jalios:ifobjcmp>

    Description: Compares two comparable objects. Possible values for comparator are :

  • "eq" for EQual
  • "ne" for Not Equal
  • "gt" for Greater Than
  • "ge" for Greater or Equal
  • "lt" for Less Than
  • "le" for Less or Equal


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    obj1java.lang.Object x x The first comparable to be tested.
    obj2java.lang.Object x x The second comparable to be tested.
    comparator String - x The comparator type (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le)
    breakselect String - x See ConditionalTag
    not String - x See ConditionalTag

    Example of use:
    <jalios:ifobjcmp obj1='<%= date1 %>' obj2='<%= date2 %>' comparator='eq'>OK</jalios:ifobjcmp>

    <jalios:ifstrcmp> ... </jalios:ifstrcmp>

    Description: Compares strings. It extends CompareTag Tag. The following comparators can be used in addition to the parent tag comparators.

  • notempty for String with only spaces ...
  • starts for String which starts with the pattern
  • ends for String which ends with the pattern
  • contains for String which contains with the pattern
  • match for String which match with the Perl5 pattern regexp


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    source String x x See CompareTag
    pattern String - x See CompareTag
    comparator String x x See CompareTag
    ignorecase String - x If me should match case
    srcstart String - x Where to start matching on source string
    patternstart String - x Where to start matching on pattern string
    breakselect String - x See ConditionalTag
    not String - x See ConditionalTag

    Example of use:
    <jalios:ifstrcmp source='dabcxy'  

    <jalios:nbsp> ... </jalios:nbsp>

    Description: Replaces all the spaces in the body with non-breakable spaces (i.e.  ).

    Example of use:
    <jalios:nbsp>Lorem ipsum</jalios:nbsp>

    <jalios:thumbnail> ... </jalios:thumbnail>

    Description: Creates and displays a thumbnail image of a given object (Data, FileDocument, file, web page's URL).
    Thumbnail files are created in the same directory of their original file.
    For URLs the thumbnail will be created in the webapp directory "upload/thumbnails/".
    For Datas, the thumbnail will be created from the image specified in getDataImage()


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The Data instance of which to create the thumbnail.
    fileDoccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument - x The FileDocument of which to create the thumbnail.
    filejava.io.File - x The File of which to create the thumbnail.
    pathjava.lang.String - x The full path or "relative to the webapp" path of the file of which to create the thumbnail.
    urljava.lang.String - x The URL of the web page of which to create the thumbnail.
    formatjava.lang.String - x The format to use for the thumbnail, available format are jpeg and gif, default is gif.
    widthint - x The maximum width of the thumbnail to create, value is also used in the thumbnail file name.
    Default value is 80 pixels.
    heightint - x The maximum height of the thumbnail to create, value is also used in the thumbnail file name.
    Default value is 100 pixels.
    backgroundjava.lang.String - x the background color (eg "FFFFFF") if sets the image dimension will be set maxWidth and maxHeight
    destinationjava.lang.String - x Relative path of the new thumbnail file to create (to the webapp root). Default behavior is to create the thumbnail using the scheme of method FileDocument.getThumbnailFile() (which creates a new file using a specified pattern, in the same directory of the original image).
    altjava.lang.String - x The value of the alt attribute to use in the "img" html tag.
    cssjava.lang.String - x Specify the css class(es) to use for the generated "img" html tag.
    htmlAttributesjava.lang.String - x The html attributes to use in the "img" html tag.
    forceUpdateboolean - x Whether to thumbnail creation even if it already exists
    useAjaxLoadingboolean - x Whether to delay thumbnail creation through Ajax, default is false
    ajaxLoadingImagejava.lang.String - x Relative path of the image to use for the "img" src attribute, while Ajax process the thumbnail creation.

    Example of use:
     <a href='http://www.jalios.com/'>
      <jalios:thumbnail url='http://www.jalios.com/'
                       width='120' height='90' alt='Jalios WebSite'
        <%-- Just in case no URL thumbshot is available, use our logo --%>
        <img src="images/jalios/icons/jalios.gif" />
     <jalios:thumbnail fileDoc='<%= (FileDocument) channel.getData("oj_6132") %>'
                       width='60' height='60'>
        <%-- If the given fileDoc is not a supported file type for thumbnail creation --%>
       <img src="images/file-thumb-not-available.gif" width='60' height='60' />
     <jalios:thumbnail path='<%= "upload/myimage.jpg" %>' width='60' height='60'/>
     <% File someFile = new File("C:\\webapp\\jcms\\images\my-big-image.jpg"); %>
     <jalios:thumbnail file='<%= someFile %>' width='60' height='60'/>


    Description: Displays a pager menu.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    namejava.lang.String x - The name of this pager (will be used to create the handler variable)
    declareboolean - x Whether to declare the associated PagerHandler scripting variable, default is false.
    You will usually need to set this variable to true on the first call to the pager in your jsp.
    actionjava.lang.String - x The action to be performed. Possible actions are:
    • "init" which must be called once to initialize pager before any call to other actions (use other parameter only here)
    • "showAll" which display the complete pager (default)
    • "showFirst" which only displays a link to the first page
    • "showPrevious" which only displays a link to the previous page
    • "showPages" which only displays the list of link to different pages
    • "showNext" which only displays a link to the next page
    • "showLast" which only displays a link to the last page
    • "showSort" which only displays a link to sort with the sort attribute (required)
    paramPrefixjava.lang.String - x The prefix of every URL parameter (default is empty) usefull when using multiple pager on one page
    sizeint - x The number items to be managed by the pager
    pageSizeint - x The default number of items to be displayed by page, default is 10 (if this value was not specified in pageSizes values, it is added to possible page sizes).
    Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    sortjava.lang.String - x A string indicating the sort order to use in the current context.
    • When used with the "init" action : The default sort order to use.
      Leave empty to use default value specified in property "pager.default-sort".
    • When used with "showSort" action : The sort action to be used in the generated sort link.
    In both cases, possible values are the same values accepted by methods com.jalios.jcms.Data#getComparator(String, boolean) and com.jalios.jcms.Publication#getComparator(String, boolean).
    reverseboolean - x The default reverse order used, default is false.
    Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    pageSizesjava.lang.String - x Coma separated value of page sizes to be used (displayed) by the pager.
    Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    pagerAllLimitint - x The maximum items number above which pager all link is not shown. Negative value defaults to JCMS pager all limit property, use 0 to hide pager all link.
    Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    sortTitlejava.lang.String - x The JCMS property to be used as title of the sort link (empty by default).
    Can only be used with "showSort" action, otherwise ignored.
    parameterMapjava.util.Map - x An optional Map of parameters (String name ==> String value) to add/modify/delete for the generated URLs. Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    pagesDisplayedjava.lang.String - x Coma separated value of maximum number of page links to display :
    • first value is : maximum number of links before current page, default is 10
    • second value is : maximum number of links after current page, default is 9
    Can only be used with "init" action, otherwise ignored.
    templatejava.lang.String - x The name of a template as defined by properties pager.template.*, default is "default".
    resourcePathjava.lang.String - x An optionnal resource path that can be used in place of the current request resource path (must be set before or during compute)
    linkCssjava.lang.String - x Optionnal CSS classnames used for all pager links, default is "ajax-refresh"


    @namecom.jalios.jcms.handler.PagerHandler x AT_BEGIN Pager handler that can be used to retrieve iteration informations. Variable created only when attribute "declare" is set to true.

    Example of use:
    Example 1:
      <jalios:query name="resultSet" types="Content" />
      <jalios:pager name="myPager1" declare='true' action="init"
                    size="<%= resultSet.size() %>"/>
      <jalios:foreach name='number' type='Integer' collection='<%= resultSet %>'
                      max='<%= myPager1.getPageSize() %>'
                      skip='<%= myPager1.getStart() %>'>
        <%= number %><br>
      <jalios:pager name="myPager1" /><br>
    Example 2:
      <jalios:pager name='myPager2' declare='true' action='init' sort='cdate' paramPrefix='p2_'/>
      <jalios:query name='resultSet' types='Article'
                    comparator='<%= Publication.getComparator(myPager2.getSort(), myPager2.isReverse()) %>'/>
      <jalios:pager name='myPager2' action='compute' size='<%= resultSet.size() %>'/>
      <table class='listBorder' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3'>
          <td class='listHeader'>
            <jalios:pager name='myPager2' action='showSort' sort='title' sortTitle='ui.com.lbl.title'/>
          <td class='listHeader'>
            <jalios:pager name='myPager2' action='showSort' sort='cdate' sortTitle='ui.com.lbl.cdate-long'/>
        <jalios:foreach name='itArticle' type='Article'
                    collection='<%= resultSet %>'
                        max='<%= myPager2.getPageSize() %>'
                        skip='<%= myPager2.getStart() %>'>
          <tr class='<%= (itCounter.intValue() % 2 == 0) ? "listOddRow" : "listEvenRow" %>'> 
            <td><%= itArticle.getTitle() %></td>
            <td><jalios:date date='<%= itArticle.getCdate() %>'/> <jalios:time date='<%= itArticle.getCdate() %>'/></td>
      <jalios:pager name='myPager2' />


    Description: Parse an RSS source.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    id String x x The id of the RssChannel
    name String x x The name of the variable containing the RssChannel
    source String x x The URI of the RSS source
    ufreqlong - x Update frequency in minute, used if no ttl tag (Time To Live) is found in the RSS feed. Default value: 60 minutes.
    timeoutint - x The time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection to become available. Default value is 3000 (3 seconds). Default value will be used if zero or a negative value is specified.


    @namecom.jalios.util.RssChannel x AT_ENDThe RssChannel object

    Example of use:

    <jalios:select> ... </jalios:select>

    Description: Switches between ConditionalTag to execute the body that are true until a ConditionalTag breaks the switch.

    Example of use:
       <jalios:if predicate="<%= 4>5 %>" > NO </jalios:if>
       <jalios:if predicate="<%= 5>5 %>" > NO </jalios:if>
       <jalios:if predicate="<%= 6>5 %>" breakselect='false'>O</jalios:if>
       <jalios:if predicate="<%= 7>5 %>">K</jalios:if>
       <jalios:default> In Select DEFAULT </jalios:default>

    <jalios:sendmail> ... </jalios:sendmail>

    Description: Sends a mail.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    to String x x A comma separated list of TO recipient email addresses.
    cc String - x A comma separated list of CC recipient email addresses.
    bcc String - x A comma separated list of BCC recipient email addresses.
    from String x x Email of the sender
    subject String x x Subject of the mail
    content String - x Content of the mail (unused if there is a body).
    host String - x Sendmail server hostname (Default value: property smtp.host)
    port String - x Sendmail server port (Default value: property smtp.port)

    Example of use:
    See <jalios:buffer> example.


    Description: Prints a time. Formats the time with either the value of the "locale" attribute, the value of the context attribute "jtaglib.locale" or the default locale of the JVM (in this order).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datejava.util.Date - x The date to be printed.
    format String - x The format used to print the time. The following formats are available:
    • 'short' (e.g.: 3:30pm)
    • 'long' (e.g.: 3:30:32pm). Default format.
    • 'full' (e.g.: 3:30:42pm PST).
    • A custom format conformed to the Java SimpleDateFormat (see Javadoc of java.text.SimpleDateFormat class).
    localejava.util.Locale - x The locale to use (default value: the default locale)
    nowifnullboolean - x True if the current time must be printed if the date attribute is null; if false nothing will be printed (default value: true)

    Example of use:
    <jalios:time date="<%= myDate %>" format="short"/>
    Using a custom format (12:34 PM, PST)
    <jalios:time date="<%= myDate %>" format="K:mm a, z"/>

    <jalios:truncate> ... </jalios:truncate>

    Description: Truncates the content of the body to a given length or to a given number of sentences (if none of these attributes is provided, print the original body).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    lengthint - x The length of the truncature.
    sentencesint - x The number of sentences to display.
    suffix String - x The string to append if the body has been truncatured

    Example of use:
    <jalios:truncate length="10" suffix="..." >
    A very very very  very  very  very  very long sentences.
    <jalios:truncate sentences="2" suffix="..." >
    A first setence. A second setence. A thrid sentence.


    Description: Prints the category tree


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    formHandlercom.jalios.jcms.handler.EditPublicationHandler - x A data
    rootSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute defines a set of categories to display as root category.
    rootCatcom.jalios.jcms.Category - x This attribute defines a category to display as root category.
    rootDisplayboolean - x This attribute defines that given roots must be displayed or not.Default value is true.
    widgetCounterNamejava.lang.String - x This attribute defines the generated variable name of the form element counter.
    levelint - x This attribute defines the level of category to generate before using ajax. Default value is 0. May be overrided by openLevel if inferior to open level
    nodeFunctionjava.lang.String - x This attribute sets a the JavaScript function to call while clicking on a Node icon onclick.
    nodeAjaxSuffixjava.lang.String - x This method set an ajax suffix for TreeCat used more than once in a page.
    openedCatSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute sets a Set of categories that must be openend while generating the category tree.
    openParentboolean - x This attribute specifies if parent category of opened category must be opened. Default value is true.
    openLevelint - x This attribute specifies levels to open while generating tree. It overrides level attributes.
    removedCatSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute sets a Set of categories that must be removed while generating the category tree.
    highlightCatSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute sets a Set of categories that must be highlighted while generating the category tree.
    openHighlightedboolean - x This attribute specifies if parent category of highlighted categories must be opened. Default value is true.
    highlightDescendantboolean - x This attribute specifies if children categories must be also highlighted. Default value is false.
    widgetshort - x This attribute specifies the widget to display after each node icon values may be:
    • TreeCat.WIDGET_NONE
    • TreeCat.WIDGET_RADIO
    The default value is TreeCat.WIDGET_NONE.
    widgetNamejava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies the name of the widget. his parameter is required if a widget is specified.
    widgetSelectedSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute sets a Set of categories that must have a widget selected while generating the category tree.
    openWidgetSelectedboolean - x This attribute specifies if parent category of selected categories must be opened. Default value is true.
    widgetSelectDescendantboolean - x This attribute specifies if descendant category are also selected. Default value is false. NB: If check is done by JavaScript and some descendant have not been* already downloaded then they will not be checked.
    widgetSelectParentboolean - x This attribute specifies if parent category are also selected. Default value is false.
    widgetDisabledSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute sets a Set of categories that must have a widget disabled. while generating the category tree.
    widgetDisableDescendantboolean - x This attribute specifies if descendant category are also disabled. Default value is false.
    widgetDisableParentboolean - x This attribute specifies if parent category are also disabled. Default value is false.
    widgetDisableSelectableboolean - x This attribute specifies if category not selectable are also disabled. Default value is true.
    widgetDisablePubCountboolean - x This attribute specifies to disable widget that didn't have categorized publication.
    widgetFunctionjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies the onclick function for each widget. Function will be called after internal treecat widget function.
    widgetExclusiveboolean - x This attribute specifies to uncheck other widget while checking a given widget. At a same time two widget cannot be checked.
    rightsDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display explicit rights member or groups rights for a given category. Defaut icon is a key. Default value is true.
    helpDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display description for a given category. Default value is true.
    portalDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display attached portal for a given category. It display, Portal, Redirect, and Multiple Portals. Default value is true.
    workspaceDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display attached workspace for a given category. It display Workspace or multiple workspace.
    workspaceModelDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display attached workspace model for a given category.
    editDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display edit category icon.
    pubCountDisplayboolean - x This method specify to display publication count. Default value is false.
    pubCountDisplayCatboolean - x This method specify to display categoy if it's publication count is greater than 0. Default value is false.
    pubReadableDisplayboolean - x This attribute specifies to display readable publication. Default value is false.
    filterMembershort - x This attribute specifies filters to apply on displayed categories. It depends on logged Member rights. Values may be:
    • TreeCat.FILTER_NONE
    • TreeCat.FILTER_READ
    • TreeCat.FILTER_EDIT
    The default value is TreeCat.FILTER_NONE.
    filterWorkspaceboolean - x This attribute specifies if Category are filtered by workspace categories. Default value is false.
    pubCountClassjava.lang.Class - x This attribute specifies the class of catezgorized publication to count. Default value is Content.class. This field must not be set to null.
    pubCountPstatusboolean - x This attribute specifies if publication count must check pstatus for visible states. Default value is true.
    pubCountSetjava.util.Set - x This attribute specifies a Set of Publication to interSet with current publication's category for publication count.
    editParamjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies additional parameters for the edit link. Parameter redirect and id are internally set.
    nameStrongboolean - x This attribute specifies to Strong category name when category is descendant of the current workspace. Default value is false.
    nameLinkjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies link for name of categories. The link may be parsed by a Regular Expression matching something_CATID_something otherwise the category if will be append at the end of the link. Speciying the constant TreeCat.NAME_LINK_DISPLAY (in navigate mode) will generate a display url of the node category.
    nameLinkPubCountboolean - x This attribute specifies to display link only on category having a publication count > 0. Default value is false.
    nameLinkNavigateboolean - x This attribute specifies that generated links will be used for navigation or refinement. Regexp will be only apply on Navigate. Default value is true
    nameLinkRegexpboolean - x This attribute specifies that name links will be parsed by a regular expresion replacing _CATID_ by the category id. Default value is false
    toggleLinkboolean - x If a link is clicked twice then the category id will be removed from url.
    redirectjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies redirect url for edit icon. See also jcmsContext.
    loggedMembercom.jalios.jcms.Member - x This attribute specifies the logged member. See also jcmsContext.
    userLangjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies the user lang. See also jcmsContext.
    workspacecom.jalios.jcms.workspace.Workspace - x This attribute specifies the workspace. See also jcmsContext.
    ctxCategories[Lcom.jalios.jcms.Category; - x This attribute specifies the contextual categories used for refinement. See also jcmsContext.
    resourcePathjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies the resource path used for refinement. See also jcmsContext.
    parameterMapjava.util.Map - x This attribute specifies the request parameter Map used for refinement. See also jcmsContext.
    portalLinkjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies link for portal of categories. The link may be parsed by a Regular Expression matching something_PORTALID_something.
    portalLinkRegexpboolean - x This attribute specifies that portal links will be parsed by a regular expression replacing _PORTALID_ by the category id. Default value is false.
    proxycom.jalios.jcms.widget.TreeCatProxy - x This attribute specifies a TreeCatProxy called for each branch of the Tree to filter, modify and customize standard behaviour.
    cssjava.lang.String - x This attribute specifies additional css names to defines in the treecat UL to trigger new behaviors.
    • 'autocomplete' : enables autocomplete of categories (with automatic selection if in checkbox mode)
    • 'autocomplete follow' : enables autocomplete and will open (=follow) the href link of the category node after an autocomplete selection
    • 'autocomplete follow fire' : enables autocomplete and will fire a 'jcms:click' event on the link of the category node (instead of following the href)
    ctxMenuboolean - x Specify that generated links will use contextual menu. Default value is true.
    dragdropboolean - x Computes roots rights to enable/disable drag and drop on categories. Default value is true.
    fieldNamejava.lang.String - x This name of the publication's field.


    Description: Prints the portlet tree


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    rootPortletCollectionjava.util.Collection - x The Set of Root Portlet
    rootPortletcom.jalios.jcms.portlet.PortalElement - x The Root Portlet instead of using a Set
    link String - x The link on the category name
    nodePrefix String - x The prefix of tree if there is multiple tree
    expandLevelint - x Expand a number of level of branch (-1 to expand all or -2 to expand until one selectable category)
    highlightPeSetjava.util.Set - x The set of highlighted branch
    expandHighlightedboolean - x Will expand highlighted branch
    widgetExpandSelectedboolean - x Will expand selected branch
    widgetSelectedPeSetjava.util.Set - x The set of checked widget
    widgetName String - x The name of the form element
    widgetType String - x The type of the widget to show (none, checkbox, radio)
    editPortalElementboolean - x Show Edit Icon


    Description: Prints a date chooser HTML form input. It produces 2 form inputs : the date value and the date chooser.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    formName String - x The name of the form
    widgetName String - x The name of the form input
    formElementCountint - x The position of the input in the form (only required when severals DateChooserTag have the same widgetName)
    css String - x The CSS to be used (add a span with the given CSS class around the generated HTML code)
    datejava.util.Date - x The initial date (now if unspecified)
    showWeekNumbersboolean - x Will display week numbers in calendar if true (does not apply to calendar displayed in a popup window)
    showTimeboolean - x Allow time selection
    nowifnullboolean - x If true, the current date is used if the date attribute is null; if false no date is printed in input (default value: true)
    inPopupboolean - x Display calendar in new pop-up window, (default value: true).


    Description: Includes a portlet, a publication (full display) or an edit form.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    jspjava.lang.String - x The JSP to be included.
    filejava.lang.String - x The relative path of the file to be included. This file won't be included using the include mecanism of jsp but instead by reading the file using a InputStreamReader in the same encoding of the response, and sending its content to the response.
    idjava.lang.String - x The id of the publication to be included (exclusive with "pub" attribute).
    pubcom.jalios.jcms.Publication - x The publication to be included (exclusive with the "id" attribute).
    clazzjava.lang.String - x The class name of the form to be include
    targetjava.lang.String - x A PluginManager target to include all plugins jsp
    targetContextjava.lang.String - x When the tag is used for a target, the targetContext tells what is the kind of DOM elements is expected ("tr", "li", "td", "div", "span" or "tab-page", or more generally "bloc" or "inline"), it may tells also if it must be set in the html "header" or is inside the "skin" of the portlets. Several values, blank seperated may be set. The value of pageContext may be retrieved in JSP with request.getAttribute("IncludeTagTargetContext") If "empty" is in the targetContext, the jsp must not print a character in the output stream.
    usagejava.lang.String - x The template usage to include (default is result display) ?

    Example of use:
    	For Static Include nothing change:
      <%  displayPortlet = (PortalElement) box.getChild(); %>
      <%@ include file='/jcore/portal/doIncludePortlet.jsp' %>
    	For Dynamic Include of Publication:
      <jalios:include id='<%= publication.getId() %>' >


    Description: Generates an input widget.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    formHandlercom.jalios.jcms.handler.EditPublicationHandler - x A data
    label String - x Label of the Field. This field is mandatory for accessibility (must be hidden with printLabel attribute)
    description String - x Description of the Field
    widgetName String x x Name of the Widget
    formName String - x Name of the Form
    valuejava.lang.Object - x Values of the Field: a String, Collection, Date, [] or not...
    multilingualboolean - x Is multilingual field
    languageListjava.util.List - x The language list (default is the language list define in properties)
    hiddenboolean - x Print hidden field
    disabledboolean - x Is input disabled.
    printSeparatorboolean - x Print a separator
    printLabelboolean - x Print the Label. Only used for accessibility purpose.
    printWidgetboolean - x Print the Widget
    requiredboolean - x Is this field required?
    inlineboolean - x Is field going to be directly editable or only through a popup or such second way.
    widgetInitCountint - x @deprecated. The count of widgets to display if initial value is smaller
    widgetAddCountint - x Count of Widgets to Add
    widgetNameAddCount[Ljava.lang.String; - x @deprecated. Use given Widget add count name to increase widget count
    defaultValuejava.lang.String - x Default value when clearing field.
    wrapperjava.lang.String - x Name of the tag wrapping the widget or "". May contains attributes !. Default value is "div"
    customAttributesjava.lang.String - x Custom attributes set to main field (autocomplete="off", onclick="", ...)
    descriptionTypeint - x Description type
    editorint - x Kind of editor
    colsint - x Size of the Area. Used for TextArea.
    unitBeforejava.lang.String - x Unit representation before the field. Used for TextField Widget.
    unitAfterjava.lang.String - x Unit representation after the field. Used for TextField Widget.
    pathjava.lang.String - x Path of FileChooser. Used for TextField Widget.
    imageMapboolean - x If true, provide an image map editor
    tabGroupjava.lang.String - x Identifier for multivalued area tab. Used for TextArea Widget.
    isTabbedboolean - x Display list with tabs (default value is true).
    rowsint - x Rows of the Field. Used for TextArea Widget.
    maxlengthint - x MaxLength of the Field. Used for TextField Widget.
    enumLabelsjava.lang.Object - x Enumerate Labels. Used for Enumerate Widget.
    enumValuesjava.lang.Object - x Enumerate Labels. Used for Enumerate Widget.
    sizeint - x Size of List or TextFields. Used for Enumerate Widget and TextField Widget an d DateChooser Widget.
    chooserQSjava.lang.String - x Chooser QueryString. Used for Chooser Widget.
    linkTypejava.lang.Class - x Super Type of Doc or PubChooser. Used for Chooser Widget.
    wysiwygParamsjava.lang.String - x WYSIWYG parameters. Used for Riche Text Area.
    resolutionlong - x Duration parameters. Used for Duration Chooser.
    inPopupboolean - x @deprecated. Always inline
    showTimeboolean - x @deprecated. Use attribute css='showTime'
    rootCatcom.jalios.jcms.Category - x The root Category. Used for Category Widget.
    isFormboolean - x Indicate if the Publication Form is a Form not a Content or Portlet
    overrideWidgetNameboolean - x Default value is true to override WidgetName to set it to cids
    hiddenActionsjava.lang.String - x @deprecated. A sequence of character representing actions icons to hide: C - Create S - Select (Pub Chooser) R - Remove T - Trash U - Up D - Down U - Left D - Right E - Edit A - Add L - Id (data link) K - Calendar I - Image Chooser (upload) X - Doc Chooser P - File chooser M - Media chooser F - Color chooser B - DBRecord chooser Q - Query chooser H - Member Chooser G - Group Chooser
    cssjava.lang.String - x CSS classes to apply to the top div of the widget
    dataSourcejava.lang.Object - x SQLQuery and DBRecordChooser: DataSource to be used (eg. "jdbc/myDB")
    dataSourceMenuboolean - x SQLQuery: Should data source menu be displayed?
    maxRowsjava.lang.Object - x SQLQuery and DBRecordChooser: the max rows limit; zero means there is no limit
    dbrcTablejava.lang.String - x DBRecordChooser: table (or view) to be listed (eg. "product_table")
    dbrcKeyColjava.lang.String - x DBRecordChooser: column key (eg. "id")
    dbrcColumnsjava.lang.String - x DBRecordChooser: the columns to be displayed (eg. "name,vendor,price"
    dbrcLabelColjava.lang.String - x DBRecordChooser: column used as label (eg. "name")
    dbrcOrderByjava.lang.String - x DBRecordChooser: order-by criteria (eg. "price")

    Example of use:

    <jalios:sqlquery> ... </jalios:sqlquery>

    Description: Perform a SQL query on a given data source.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    namejava.lang.String x x The name of the variable that contains the result set
    dataSourcejava.lang.String x x The data source on which the query must be performed.
    queryjava.lang.String - x The SQL query.
    maxRowsint - x Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that the result set can contain. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped. Zero means there is no limit. Default value is 1000.


    @namecom.jalios.util.SQLQueryResult x NESTED The result set.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:sqlquery name="<%= resultSet %>" dataSource="jdbc/mydb" query="select * from DATA_TABLE" maxRows="10" />


    Description: Prints a warn icon if the given data does not respect its intergrity constraints.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    data String - x The data to be checked.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:checkIntegrity data="<%= itPublication %>" />


    Description: This tag prints the icon status for imported publication.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    pub String - x The publication to print the import status icon.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:import pub="<%= itPublication %>" />

    <jalios:webdav> ... </jalios:webdav>

    Description: Prints WebDAV icons.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    doccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument - x The FileDocument to be opened
    foldercom.jalios.jcms.Category - x The category/folder to be opened.
    workspacecom.jalios.jcms.workspace.Workspace - x The workspace/folder to be opened.
    openByWebdavboolean - x Display the Edit WebDAV icon for FileDocument. Default value is true.
    openByBrowserboolean - x Display the download icon for FileDocument. Default value is true.
    showParentFolderboolean - x If true, the parent folder of specified FileDocument will be displayed. Default value is false.
    showRootboolean - x Display root /webdav/, do not open workspace.
    titlejava.lang.String - x Display a title for the given icon(s).


    Description: Prints the lock icon if the given data is locked.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    data String - x The data to be checked.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:lock data="<%= itPublication %>" />


    Description: Prints a display url for the given object.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The Data for which a display url will be printed (exclusive with other Data attributes)
    idjava.lang.String - x The id of the Data for which the href display link will be printed (exclusive with other Data attributes).
    baseUrljava.lang.String - x An optionnal baseUrl used to generate the URL.
    updateboolean - x Specify this parameter to true to generate a display URL for the given data while keeping all the current others parameters. Default value is false, which generate a new display url with no parameters except those required for the display URL.
    paramNames[Ljava.lang.String; - x Optionnal request parameters names to be updated from the current request parameters. You must specify the 'values' attributes with an array of the same dimension. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramValues[Ljava.lang.String; - x Request parameters values to be updated from the current request parameters. This array must match the correponding names array specified in the 'names' attribute. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramRemove[Ljava.lang.String; - x Request parameters names to be removed from the current request parameters. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramsjava.lang.String - x Query string parameters to be added to the generated URL. Example: "preview=true&highlight=test"; This attributes can be used whether we are in generating a new display URL or updating the current request (see 'update' attribute).
    anchorjava.lang.String - x An optionnal anchor to be added to the url. Example: anchor="#myAnchor" will output add #myAnchor at the end of the url. The # is optionnal you can use anchor="myAnchor".

    <jalios:link> ... </jalios:link>

    Description: Prints a complete href link with a display url for the given object.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The Data for which the href display link will be printed (exclusive with other Data attributes).
    idjava.lang.String - x The id of the Data for which the href display link will be printed (exclusive with other Data attributes).
    baseUrljava.lang.String - x An optionnal baseUrl used to generate the link's URL.
    updateboolean - x Specify this parameter to true to generate a display URL for the given data while keeping all the current others parameters. Default value is false, which generate a new display url with no parameters except those required for the display URL.
    paramNames[Ljava.lang.String; - x Optionnal request parameters names to be updated from the current request parameters. You must specify the 'values' attributes with an array of the same dimension. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramValues[Ljava.lang.String; - x Request parameters values to be updated from the current request parameters. This array must match the correponding names array specified in the 'names' attribute. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramRemove[Ljava.lang.String; - x Request parameters names to be removed from the current request parameters. Trigger the same url generation behavior as when specifying the 'update' attribute to true.
    paramsjava.lang.String - x Query string parameters to be added to the generated URL. Example: "preview=true&highlight=test"; This attributes can be used whether we are in generating a new display URL or updating the current request (see 'update' attribute).
    anchorjava.lang.String - x An optionnal anchor to be added to the url. Example: anchor="#myAnchor" will output add #myAnchor at the end of the url. The # is optionnal you can use anchor="myAnchor".
    titlejava.lang.String - x The text to use for the title attribute of the href html tag, default is not to print a title.
    css String - x The CSS class to be in the "href" html tag generated.
    htmlAttributesjava.lang.String - x The html attributes to use in the "href" html tag.
    accessibilityInfojava.lang.String - x Display accessibility information for FileDocument. Possible values : content, title, none.

    <jalios:login> ... </jalios:login>

    Description: Prints a login, logout or su links/icon depending on the current loggedMember state.


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    displayLinkTextboolean - x Indicates whether the text normally used for alternative and title text of the icon should also be displayed in the generated link. Default is false.

    <jalios:javascript> ... </jalios:javascript>

    Description: Allows javascript code to be captured and added at proper place.
    For performance reason and ajax compatibility, code is added :

    Example of use:
      alert('Hello World !');
    Will add the following script block at end of page for normal request (through doEmptyFooter.jsp), the code will be executed when the DOM is loaded and ready.
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
       Event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function() { 
      alert('Hello World !');
    Or it will add the following script block for ajax request (through doAjaxFooter.jspf), this code will be executed after the ajax update.
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
      var ajaxFooterJsCode = function() {
      alert('Hello World !');

    <jalios:media> ... </jalios:media>

    Description: Displays a player/preview for the given media object (Data, FileDocument, File, path).


    NameTypeRequiredRT expr. valueDescription
    datacom.jalios.jcms.Data - x The Data for which to display a player/preview.
    fileDoccom.jalios.jcms.FileDocument - x The FileDocument for which to display a player/preview.
    filejava.io.File - x The File for which to display a player/preview.
    pathjava.lang.String - x The full path or "relative to the webapp" path of the file for which to display a player/preview.
    templatejava.lang.String - x The template name to use to retrieve the path of JSP that will output the player/preview, default value is "default". The JSP path is retrieved from property "media.template.{template-name}.{content-type-of-media}"
    maxWidthint - x Maximum width of the player/preview, default value is 320.
    maxHeightint - x Maximum height of the player/preview, default value is 240.

    Example of use:
    <jalios:media fileDoc='<%= flvFileDoc %>' />
    <jalios:media file='<%= imageFile %>' maxWidth='180' />
    <jalios:media path='custom/foobar.avi' template='myfoobarplayer' />