
Web Page (Store) Using the :target pseudo-selector for alternative layouts ⚒ Nerd

I really like the :target pseudo-selector. It enables you to style the target of a so called skip-link. For instance when you link to a section in an article: you could highlight the header of that section. Or you can use it for toggling simple drop-down menus — the ones you see a lot on small screens. But you can also use it to create a completely different layout. j First I did this: <html lang="en" id="g"> Then I wrote this #g:target body { columns: 15em; column-gap: 0; } /* and some other styles, you can look at the code: view-source: */

Web Page (Store) Apple adds iOS Developer interface design guidelines book to iBooks | 9to5Mac

Apple has added the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for App Store app designers to the iBookstore. Previously, the guidelines were solely available from the online Apple developer portal, and the addition to the iBookstore makes the guidelines for designing iOS 7 apps more easily accessible.